Keeping A No Insurance Ticket In Flower Mound Off Your Record

No Insurance Tickets

Keeping Traffic Tickets Off Your Record



Flower Mound Ticket Attorney

Flower Mound Ticket Attorney

The State of Texas requires that whenever a person is operating a motor vehicle on a public road, that person must carry liability automobile insurance.  If a person fails to maintain such financial responsibility, that person is subject to being ticketed. In Flower Mound, a no insurance ticket is a very serious offense. Failure to properly handle a no insurance ticket in Flower Mound can cause a person to incur higher fines and court costs, recurring annual surcharges against their drivers license, loss or driving privileges, and if neglected, issuance of a warrant for their arrest.


The key to a proper defense of no insurance tickets in Flower Mound is to understand the laws regarding those types of tickets (also known as Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility, FMFR) and to be familiar with the processes and procedures of the Flower Mound municipal court in regards to proper disposal of the case. Our experienced Flower Mound attorneys regularly represent clients who face those very issues. Our goal is always to protect our clients’ driving records and do it as efficiently as we can.


Flower Mound Traffic TIcket Attorney

Flower Mound Traffic TIcket Attorney

If you are facing a no insurance ticket in Flower Mound, you must do several things to insure that you preserve the best options for your case and ultimately, the best outcome. First, do not ignore the appearance date on the ticket. We all have busy lives and we can easily forget that the ticket has a deadline on it which could cause more headaches to you if ignored (it is easy to ignore the ticket if it is hiding in the glove compartment!). Second, if you had valid insurance from the date of the ticket, secure it safely to be presented to the court. If the court can verify that you were covered, they will dismiss the case. The key is that the court must be able to verify that you were covered on the vehicle on the date and time of the offense.  If you have a no insurance ticket in Flower Mound you would like to discuss with an experienced Flower Mound traffic ticket attorney we encourage you to FILL OUT OR TICKET QUESTIONNAIRE so a legal professional can contact you immediately.