Procedures for handling traffic tickets in Flower Mound

The Beltz Law Firm



Flower Mound Ticket Attorney

Flower Mound Ticket Attorney

City of Flower mound is located in Denton County. Like so many cities, Flower mound relies upon revenue from traffic tickets to sustain it’s infrastructure. Therefore, when you travel in Flower Mound, you are subject to being cited for violations of traffic laws . in order to avoid these flower mound traffic tickets from causing more harm than they already do , you must  insure that you handle the traffic tickets in Flower Mound in the proper manner . Otherwise, you may find yourself paying more than the ticket is worth , unnecessarily taking a conviction on your record, or putting yourself at risk of being arrested .


An experienced Flower Mound attorney can help you avoid any pitfalls or bumps along the road while handling your Flower Mound ticket.   Our attorneys have been practicing in Flower Mound for years and have successfully represented hundreds of clients and successfully prevented convictions from appearing on their driving records .


Flower Mound Traffic TIcket Attorney

Flower Mound Traffic TIcket Attorney

The proper handling of Flower Mound traffic tickets requires more than simply paying the ticket .  Our attorneys review each case to determine if there is a legal reason to have the case dismissed .  Otherwise , our attorneys seek to protect the driving record by negotiating deferred adjudication with fines and court costs as low as possible .  Additionally, our attorneys seek to provide as much time as our clients need to make the payments to the court if required to do so. Of course, the best result is having the case dismissed ; however, our ultimate goal is to protect the driving record of our client .


Accomplishing our goals in the Flower mound Municipal Court is not always as easy as it seems .  What most of our clients do not see is how we use our legal skill and knowledge to ensure and enforce our clients legal rights .  We always strive to provide the best outcome possible for our clients while practicing law both ethically and legally.   Therefore, we promise we will be zealous advocates for clients but cannot legally or ethically guarantee a specific outcome to any particular case.


For the majority of our clients their ultimate goal is to protect their driving records while trying to spend as the least amount of money and do so in the most convenient manner .


Our office provides free phone consultations , simply mentioned this blog and we will be happy to discuss the particular facts of your case.